Smart Reco

  • The smartest way to reconcile your data.

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    Offline solution - Solves data security issues

    No specific format - Can work with any 2 data sets thus saving time and increasing accuracy

    Custom map - Allows you to define reconciliation logic

    Fuzzy search - Allows near matching queries to help accurate reconciliation.

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    Premium Support Number: +91-9297969203


Present available solutions are not process based and require specific data formats for each type of reconciliation.

  • Problem

    The present solutions use one of the following ways:
    Excel functions: e.g. vlookup etc. are manual, non-process based approach prone to errors.
    Online websites: require you to upload and download large data which has serious privacy / risk issues.
    Fixed formats and column sequence which may not always be available.


A simple but powerful offline reconciliation tool that can work with any 2 data sets immaterial of the column placements and data format.

  • Smart Reco

    The smartest way to reconcile your data.

    Offline solution - Solves data security issues

    No specific format - Can work with any 2 data sets thus saving time and increasing accuracy

    Custom map - Allows you to define reconciliation logic

    Fuzzy search - Allows near matching queries to help accurate reconciliation.

82% Time Saved

Time saved by user for reconciling 2 sets of data - when compared to Excel and Online tools.
82% Time saved by a user using Skorydov Smart Reco

98% Accuracy

Accuracy of data reconciled based on available features in Excel based tools and Online website based tools.

100% Data Security

Smart Reco is an offline tool that runs on your computer thus giving you complete control on your data.
Your data with someone else is not your data anymore.

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